CT Heart wo IV Contrast Calcium Scoring

I went into Pennsylvania Hospital for another CT scan this morning.

Although my cholesterol levels have been quite good for years, the last few blood tests have shown a decided increase in the bad stuff. I’ve been putting off a reckoning for several months as I was sure I could get the levels back to were they ought to be with diet, but no such luck. So I finally gave in to having a CT scan of the kind that apparently checks out my blood vessels.

It also checks out my pocketbook, as neither Medicare nor my insurance pays for the $125 procedure. If it’s so good at what it does, why not?

Anyway, I went into the same radiology area where I went a few months back, and this time there was practically no waiting. I was in and out in very little time.

That photo is of the waiting room right after the patient just ahead of me was taken in for his scan. 

When the technician led me into the scanning room, all she had me do was loosen my suspenders, then I lay flat and extended my arms. She retreated into her safe area and via a microphone told me how to breathe. The scanner made a lot of noise, and in a few minutes the noise stopped, and I was slightly surprised when a male voice told me it was over.

Now I wait for the results.

Waiting room

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